Friday, June 17, 2011

Mr P brings rain to town

Went to see 'OVO' on Wednesday night, its the new Cirque Du Soleil thats travelling to Minneapolis, the concept was,

" OVO is a headlong rush into a colourful ecosystem teeming with life, where insects work, eat, crawl, flutter, play, fight and look for love in a non-stop riot of energy and movement. The insects' home is a world of biodiversity and beauty filled with noisy action and moments of quiet emotion.

When a mysterious egg appears in their midst, the insects are awestruck and intensely curious about this iconic object that represents the enigma and cycles of their lives."
Just entering the tent for circus makes it such a fascinating experience!
Thursday was a travelling day, for me those days are quite a blur but I do enjoy them. 
Now for a few unscripted questions:
Residence Inn was having a 50's grill fund raiser for Children's hospital in Minneapolis. I asked a bunch of questions regarding that party and costumes. Turns out red lipstick was all the rage in the 50's. 
here's some research and blog posts:

1950s Make-up: How to Wear Red Lipstick

In the 1950s red lipstick (with matching red finger nails) were all the rage, and on the blog today we show how to wear with style!
Today’s post is written specially for by the totally fabulous Lipstick & Curls, who are specialists in vintage styling and retro make-up. They are experts in hair and make-up from the 1920’s – 1960’s, and worked on films, burlesque artists, celebrities and brides-to-be. They are available for one to one sessions, parties, weddings or corporate events.

Next was my conversation with my flight attendant on US Airways on the way to LA. She was from Little Rock, Arkansas, works only 9 days a month. They can fly on any airline for free while they are working there, its the best part time job with full benefits. She makes a certain amount minimum for the days she flies and then she is paid according to her flight hours. Once she retires, she can fly any domestic us airways flight for free for the rest of her life. Pretty nice perks!

Something new I learnt was the Southwest flight attendants are paid atleast 60% more but dont get much of a pension plan, they do get a nice bonus. here;s some research:

Discussion board on FA salaries and perks: Link
Some more numbers: Link

When we landed in LAX yesterday, our pilot pointed out the largest commerical plane that is currently in the air. It was a double decker Quantas Airbus A380 that we saw, pretty impressive!

"The Airbus A380 is a double-deckwide-body, four-engine airliner manufactured by the European corporation Airbus, a subsidiary of EADS. Designed to challenge Boeing's monopoly in the large-aircraft market, the A380, the largest passenger airliner in the world, made its maiden flight on 27 April 2005 from Toulouse, France, and made its first commercial flight on 25 October 2007 from Singapore to Sydney with Singapore Airlines. The aircraft was known as the Airbus A3XX during much of its development phase, but the nickname Superjumbo has since become associated with it."

We spent most of the time trying to answer the pilot's question about how many wheels the airplane had, I counted 20 but I am sure there were more!
We had dinner at Shershah in Marina Del Ray yesterday, wasnt too happy with the food. Our temporary lodging in Santa Monica is pretty quaint, there is a huge statue of Tara in the bedroom, which is a little disconcerting... the place is full of asian antiques. 
Got up this morning and the land lady had a little note for me, "Mr P brings rain to town", indeed, its raining here, atleast will stop LA people from complaining about June Gloom!

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