Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Blog

This will be my 3rd blog, having used each one for 2 years each, this would be my 5th year at blogging, not considering few years in the middle where I lapsed. I have lost my blogs to technology changes and my inability to keep them continuously.

Today I am starting this blog based on something I read, this as far as I can is going to be the new format of my blogging. The term positive deviant comes from a book by Atul Guwande, Better. in the afterword of his book he talks about 5 ways to make yourself a positive deviant, the way he describes it,

" None of us is irreplaceable. So not surprisingly, in this work one begins to wonder: How do I really matter?....I came up with five-five suggestions for how one might make a worthy difference, for how one might become, in other words, a positive deviant"

Here are the suggestions:
1. Ask an unscripted question: Every day I am going to attempt to ask a stranger an unscripted..i.e. something out of my daily dealings to a stranger. This is where I will document what I learn.

2. Dont complain: I will make sure this wont be an outlet for complaining. In addition I will try to make that as a part of my own life.

3. Count Something: I am not sure what I am going to count/research about but I am going to start measuring something. It doesnt matter what it is, as long as it makes me think.

4. Write something: Hence the blog, it maybe 2 lines, or it may be a whole page, I am hoping to get a chance to write something everyday.

5. Change: I am going to find something new to try, something to change everyday.

So thank you Dr Guwande for inspiring me to start another blog. Most of my writing here is going to be very personal, for those who know me this will help know me better.. for those who dont, you may get an insight into this road warrior with serious ADD for making life more meaningful.

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